Filing your taxes for the first time can be intimidating. There’s a good chance you’ve heard people complain about having to file their taxes in the past, so it’s normal to be feeling a little apprehensive. But don’t stress! Filing taxes for the first time isn’t nearly as complicated as you might think. Most first-time […]

Generally, people don’t like paying taxes. When their paycheck comes, they see that a large amount of money is taken out and they wonder where it’s all going. And then during tax time, they might get frustrated because they come to find out they owe the government even more money. However, as annoying as paying […]

There are several tax deadlines to be aware of, including the federal deadline, your individual state deadline, and the late filing deadline. We keep them all up to date in this article. When is the federal tax filing deadline?   For most taxpayers, federal income tax returns and tax payments will be due on Monday, April […]